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World Class Discovery
5.9 MOZ
M&I&I Resources


The Oko West Project is a new gold discovery in northwest Guyana. It is located south of the historical “Oko” gold district, some 95 km west of Georgetown. It is accessible by the Puruni laterite road and trails from the towns of Bartica and Itabali on the Mazaruni River  (Figure 1). 

The Oko West Project comprises a Prospecting License with an area of approximately 44 square kilometres (Figures 1 and 2), 100% held by GMIN’s Guyanese subsidiary. In 2020, a geochemical survey, trenching, and initial drill program discovered and confirmed the presence of gold mineralization in shear zones along the contact between a greenstone belt assemblage and a granitoid unit on the east edge of the project area.

Since then, a total of 565 drill holes totalling 144,134.6 meters were included in the calculation of this MRE, comprised of 125,705.6 meters in 393 diamond drill holes and 18,429 meters in 172 reverse circulation drill holes. A total of 57 trenches totalling 6,538.5 meters were also included in the calculation.

Figure 1: Oko West Project location showing access roads and regional geology.
Figure 2: Oko West Project Prospecting License area outline with geology soil geochemical anomalies

About The Project

Geology and Mineralization

The Oko West Project area is distinctively underlain by a greenstone belt assemblage of rocks from the Barama Group, consisting of mafic volcanic flows, volcanoclastic sediments and granitic plutons of the Proterozoic age, making it a unique geological site.

The sequence hosting the bulk of the Oko West gold mineralization is composed of siliclastic, volcanoclastic, and carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. This assemblage ranges from 100m to  200 m thick and has an overall tabular shape, dipping steeply to the east and situated between a “hangingwall” granitoid pluton to the east and a “footwall” granitoid sill to the west. The sedimentary units are intercalated and strongly deformed; their spatial position is conditioned by their original deposition and polyphase folding.

The zones of gold mineralization in the Oko West Project are characterized by silica, carbonate, sericite, and sulphide alteration. The mineralized intervals are typically associated with box work or stockwork veining composed of quartz/quartz-carbonate shear veins and multiple generations of extension veins, which provides a comprehensive understanding of the mineralization process.

Additional Figures & Analysis

Figure 3: Inclined long section showing the updated MRE and resource classification across the resource in relation to the open pit and underground constraints.
Figure 4: Inclined long section showing the updated MRE in relation to open pit and underground constrained resources.
Figure 5: East-West Section along 701855mN (80m thickness, looking north) showing a slice through the open pit and underground constrained resources with continued mineralization down to depths of over 1,000m (1,100m downdip).