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We are thrilled to present G Mining Ventures’ Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. This ESG report includes data from our only active site, the TZ Project, in Brazil, from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

This report aligns with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board framework (see SASB metrics table in the appendix). Where appropriate, we also add context information and mention relevant GRI standards, allowing all stakeholders, including communities, to learn more about the impact of our activities (see the GRI index in the appendix). The data presented contains quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (descriptions) disclosures about our current and future activities.

Future ESG reports will be published annually for every calendar year concomitantly, as much as possible, with financial disclosures. Unless otherwise noted, all reported costs are in U.S. dollars.

Although the information provided in this inaugural ESG report has not received any third-party assurance or confirmation, all content has been carefully prepared and reviewed by our internal management team and the ESG committee of the Corporation’s Board of Directors (“Board”).

We welcome questions and feedback on this inaugural report from all stakeholders. Please address comments and requests for additional information to info@gminingventures.com or use the form for general inquiries on our website:

EGS Reports
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2022 Highlights

- 113 flora species collected for reforestation with 2,636 seedlings ready for planting.

- 369 animals from102 species saved and relocated during vegetation suppression activities by fauna rescue team resulting in few fatalities or injuries (20 cases).

- Last installment paid related to mandatory environmental compensation fees which is now 100% complete.

- $205,000 spent in monitoring campaigns for baseline assessments of fauna, flora, water, etc.

- 125 on-site inspections, including six from the environmental agency and zero legal non-conformities.

2023 Objectives

- Initiate a 16ha reforestation project of a former small scale mining area.

- Initiate the timber donation projects following forest suppression activities.

- Implement Cyanide Management Plan and initiatives to comply with International Cyanide Management Code.

- Implement Borealis, dedicated software to improve monitoring and management of ESG related KPIs.

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2022 Highlights

- $666,664 Person-Hours Worked with No Lost Time Incident.

- $375,000 invested in community projects and infrastructure.

- Training Program for construction works with 24 graduates including two women.

- 61% of workforce from local communities.

- 14% of total workforce were women at year end (40% executive officers, 22% Board of Directors)

2023 Objectives

- Zero harm to people.

- Maintain at least 40% of workforce from local communities.

- Increase the proportion of women in the workforce.

- Provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

- Finalize the implementation of the local supplier development program.

- Provide formal training to management team on human rights.

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2022 Highlights

- Robust Risk management system and dedicated software (GOAT) implemented.

- Receipt and/or renewal of all required licenses and permits for construction release.

- Zero non-compliance with laws and regulations.

- Update of Environment, Social & Governance Committee Charter

2023 Objectives

- Adopt a formal Human Rights Policy.

- Fully implement Ius Natura for monitoring legal requirements.

- Undertake TSM training and conduct an initial gap analysis.

- Create the “Brazauro Committee” for community engagement and management of social related projects.